Do you want to write a book to put your fantasies on paper or earn money with your writing but are still looking for the right writing program or software? As an author, you have many options, yet most books are still written on Word from Microsoft or its free counterpart OpenOffice.
Why Microsoft Word works
Microsoft Word already existed long before other newer writing programs.
It is still one of the most widely used programs today and is extremely popular with millions of private and business users worldwide.
In the past, there were few viable alternatives. Word is trustworthy, quite reliable and also very usable offline.
Additionally, it offers a mode of writing with few to no distractions. Compare this to Google Docs, where you’re always just a click away from email, Facebook, and more.
Why Microsoft Word doesn’t work
Those who wish to publish themselves as independent authors on the tumultuous eBook platforms soon notice: the quality demands of readers no longer distinguish between established publishers and self-published literature. If a reader encounters discrepancies in the plot, mix-ups or even spelling and grammar mistakes, there can be nasty reviews that tank the value (and rank!) of a book.
Those who cannot afford a high-quality proofreading by an editor should take advantage of all of the available software solutions.
Many modern writing softwares also offer an export for eBook and print files, saving the author from annoying conversions and unpleasant surprises that can happen when uploading Word documents to Kindle KDP. Though Microsoft Word and OpenOffice are the most commonly used writing platforms, they are only suitable to a limited extent, due to their lack of planning and support solutions for authors. In contrast to widespread text programs like Word, modern programs for writing stories do not have a “document” that contains the entire text; instead, a text consists of the individual chapters and scenes. These individual texts are then put together during export.
This strict division of the text into individual fragments requires a certain familiarization from the user. However, once you have familiarized yourself with this method, you are able to navigate much more fluidly through the document. Any author who has ever worked with a Word document hundreds of pages long should appreciate this advantage.
Still, it is worthwhile to reevaluate one’s own work processes from time to time and to consider new innovations. Before you restructure everything, though, you should ask yourself whether you really gain more time and comfort by doing so, as your comfort during the writing process and the final result are ultimately what counts. Especially for authors, the choice in writing program is very important, because it can save the writer time, money, and stress in the long run.
Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer to the question: which software is best? Instead, you should create a list with requirements for yourself and then check which software best fits your needs.
What can OmniaWrite do for you?
It can help you …
- get organized (and stay organized).
- to develop a well-structured plot.
- edit your manuscript before publishing.
- to publish and export your novel.
- collect all your information in one place (without switching between programs).
- to asses your writing habits through statistics and analysis.